Best Way to Grow Your Mortgage Business in 2024

Looking for a way to grow your mortgage business in 2024? Give
blogging a try. By publishing quality content onto your site on a
regular basis, you can attract more and more borrowers who are in the
market for a loan.

We’ve been using this strategy for more than 15 years, because it works. Blogging and content marketing are one of the best ways to grow your mortgage business and attract new clients.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the content-based strategies you can use to boost your website traffic and leads.

‘What’s the Best Way to Grow My Mortgage Business?’

This is the million-dollar question (literally, in some cases) that mortgage professionals often ask. What’s the best way to grow my business? To generate more leads? To originate and close more loans? 

The answer is simple. The best way to grow your mortgage business is … wait for it … the one that works best for you. It depends on your goals, what you’re trying to accomplish, and who you are trying to reach.

The best marketing strategy for one mortgage company might not work as well for others. So you have to experiment. There’s no shortcut around that.

If one of your marketing goals is to bring more visitors to your website, you’ll want to implement some kind of publishing strategy. And blogging is a great place to start. In fact, I would argue that it’s one of the best ways to grow your mortgage business in 2020.

Developing a Website Content Strategy for Business Growth

What would it do for your mortgage business if your website traffic were to go up by 200%? But wait. Let’s think bigger. What about a 500% increase in website traffic, over the course of six or seven months? What might that do for your business?

These goals can be accomplished through a content-based mortgage marketing program, such as blogging. In fact, this is the core service we provide to our clients. We help them attract more borrowers to their websites, by publishing high-quality web content on a regular basis.

Blogging and other forms of website publishing are one of the best ways to grow your mortgage business, for the following reasons:

  • Cost — Publishing content onto your website is
    free, if you do it yourself. And even if you outsource, it’s still
    fairly affordable when weighed against the benefits.
  • Scale
    — There’s no limit to how far you can go with a content-based mortgage
    marketing program. Want to increase your website traffic? Just publish
    more content onto your site. It’s a numbers game.
  • Accumulation
    — When we write for our clients, we focus on topics that will draw
    visitors to the site daily and over a long period of time. These
    “evergreen” topics never go out of style or become outdated. So the
    results (website traffic and leads) tend to accumulate over time.
  • Independence
    — Many mortgage professionals depend on leads delivered by third-party
    providers, such as Zillow, LendingTree or Bankrate. That’s great, if it
    works for you. But if you develop your own website traffic and
    lead generation program, you’ll be less reliant on those third-party
    leads. You’ll be investing in something you actually own … your mortgage
  • Measurability — By using a website
    analytics program, you can easily measure the results of your blogging /
    publishing efforts. For instance, you could log into Google Analytics
    and see which articles are pulling the most traffic, what keywords
    people are searching to find you, and a lot more.

These are just a few of the benefits a content-based marketing program can deliver. For these and other reasons, it’s one of the best ways to grow your mortgage business in 2020.

Other Ways to Grow Your Business

I’m a bit biased when it comes to mortgage marketing and business development. I specialize in content-based strategies, like blogging and SEO. Using these strategies, I’m able to deliver measurable results for my clients in terms of website traffic, visibility and exposure.

But content marketing certainly isn’t the only way to grow your mortgage business in 2024. Here are some other techniques you might want to consider.

  • Networking / referrals. This is the “bread and
    butter” for a lot of mortgage professionals, and with good reason.
    Networking with real estate agents and other industry professionals is a
    tried-and-true method for generating referrals.
  • Public relations. Sharing your insight with local news outlets is another great way to grow your business. It’s also free. For example, the San Francisco Chronicle
    runs a segment called “Just Approved” where local mortgage
    professionals share stories of how they’ve helped borrowers succeed.
    That’s great exposure!
  • Email newsletters. This
    is a long-term marketing strategy, but one with a lot of value. Building
    a newsletter subscription base can help you grow your mortgage business
    through referrals and repeat business. But you’ll have to go above and
    beyond to make this work. Forget about stock content and other “fluff.”
    Your newsletter needs to provide real value to subscribers. For example,
    maybe it offers the latest mortgage rate trends and local housing
    market news. That would be useful.
  • YouTube. This is another good way to build your mortgage business online, because it taps into a large audience
    that already exists. You could post educational videos aimed at home
    buyers or homeowners in your target area, and plug your services at the

Where We Fit Into All of This

I can help you grow your website by developing a detailed and goal-oriented content plan. The primary goal is to publish the kind of content that attracts people to your website (when they conduct relevant searches through Google, Yahoo and Bing).

After learning about your business, I’ll create a list of topics to write / blog about. I’ll use my 15+ years of experience and proprietary data to help you increase your website traffic over time.

It might be just what you need to steadily grow your mortgage business in 2024 and beyond! Contact me with any questions you have.

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